Mercy for Mamas

Strength for the Challenge

Wow. We received a wonderful and humbling report today from one of our ministry partners. We have worked with the Comforter’s Center in Kampala for nearly 6 years. This crisis pregnancy center does such important work in a large slum area. They counsel women who are considering abortions or who are in abusive relationships. They offer hope to teenage moms and women living in unbelievable poverty. They help women navigate the healthcare system. They teach women about their value in Christ and how to be a Christian mother. We are so grateful for the chance to partner with them and we are blessed to know the impact our partnership is having on their work.

From Justine, their Executive Director:”Greetings from The Comforter’s Center. It is so exciting to always receive mama kit donation from you our dear partners. This has not only eased our work as the center but it has also enabled us to reach out to the needy women in our community. Please know how grateful we are to you for your generous contribution towards The Comforters Center’s clients.  We thank you so much for you help, and indeed you are a blessing to our community.Without your support most women wouldn’t be able to deliver from Government health centers as it is one of the requirements for an expecting woman. You don’t know how much our clients appreciate your support. Some women come when they are helpless and not knowing which step to take but giving them mama kits has brought joy and happiness in their lives. It has built more confidence and given them the strength to stand out and face nurses in the health center. They are sure that with the mama kit they will not be disappointed by health personnel. Thank you so much for the confidence that our clients have developed as a result of being given a mama kit. The center is open to all women despite their status, background or religion. We have seen an increase of clients as a result of the support we offer to us. Many women find their comfort, strength and courage to face various challenges as a result of our services.  Since the year begun, a total on 125 mama kits have been given out.”

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