Have you ever thought about doing a monthly sponsorship program, but you weren’t sure your budget could handle it? Guess what? You can sign up to be a monthly Mercy for Mamas donor and you can give whatever amount you choose! If your budget can only handle $7 (or less even!) that is just fine. Your gift will provide one woman each month with a life-saving mama kit! That’s 12 mamas and babies a year. What a blessing! If your budget can handle more, you can do so! We have people that give all different amounts. Just click on the donate button on the right side of the page or down below. When the Paypal link comes up click “make this recurring” when you enter your amount. It’s very easy to do!!
One of our success stories, baby Miracle! |
Donate now. All money goes directly toward the purchase and distribution of mama kits unless otherwise noted. All donations are tax-deductible, as Mercy for Mamas is a registered 501c3 charity. #46-0693097