Mercy for Mamas

Facing Reality

Mercy for Mamas loves to partner with mission teams and other groups doing great work in Uganda. We were able to provide 50 mama kits to a team working in Kagadi. The kits were distributed to many women, like the one pictured, right after they arrived. Team leader Lindsey said, “When they arrived NO ONE had a kit to deliver their baby and the hospital didn’t even have rubber gloves for the staff. We literally gave a woman a kit and she was delivering in front of us a few minutes later, while right to the other side of us a baby was being resuscitated. We stayed in that delivery room and prayed for a miracle over that baby and mama. It was mind blowing how we could hear the cheers of the baby being born 2 feet away from us and the other side of us was just the sound of the resuscitation bag. I am praying that the baby and mother survived.” No word yet on how that baby is doing.

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